
AND SKELETONS: The Art of Miriam Wosk"
with introduction
by Milton Glaser
and essay by
Peter Clothier
This full color art book enters into the studio, process and inner world
of California artist Miriam Wosk. She is pictured working in her light-filled
Santa Monica studio, which is overflowing with sketchbooks, drawers, and
boxes of carefully filed source materials, imagery from the natural world
to the bizarre, as well as numerous works on paper and paintings in progress.
The featured collages are highly patterned, ornamental, and colorful Her
constant theme, according to author Peter Clothier, is “the marvelous
abundance of life in all its forms, whether human or animal, biological
or botanical.” The dazzling, large-scale, thickly encrusted paintings
depict a unique world reflecting Wosk’s visions, dreams, and metaphysical
imagination. The paintings are obsessively made by pouring, painting,
airbrushing, gluing, and embedding into this “over the top”
mix. Inspired by nature, these iridescent apparitions glow from within
as they desire to mirror the power of divine beauty and depict a cosmological
universe inhabited by extraterrestrial flowers, starfish, bones, and crystalline
bursts of dazzling energy. However, as Clothier writes, “Her lust
for life in all its glorious manifestations has its counterpart in the
ubiquitous evocation of shades of death…. She combines the elaborate
ornamentation of style with the darker themes of sexuality and mortality.”
An alchemical process occurs in this mystical union of materials and imagery,
a transformation of spirit into matter as she explores metaphors for a
“self” existing in a world of mystery and chaos. Clothier
writes that “she invites us to consider, in her artwork, what both
science and spirituality teach us: that everything is interdependent…and
that her quest above all is for the ultimate truth of this understanding,
made manifest both in the beauty of the physical world and in the creative
process of the artist.”
by La Luz de Jesus Press & Last Gasp. Visit prints
& books to view all La Luz de Jesus Press titles. |